Thursday, September 23

Exciting Opportunities

Recently I've been searching my heart and praying for guidance from the Lord about the path that He has set out for me.  I've been desperately missing the presence of kids in my life and it's been taking a toll on me. 

If you know me at all you know that kids have always been a big part of who I am.  At the age of 10 I was babysitting two kids everyday for a full summer.  I was even a nanny for a family with four children for a while. 

Anyway!  I received an email from a friend of ours from church two weeks ago.  She had been given my name as a suggestion for someone who would be a good fit to stand in as the new director for pre-K choir.  Last week I observed the class as someone else directed and made the decision to go ahead and fill the position. 

Last night was my first night to lead and it could not have gone better.  There were about 10 or so 4 year olds in class last night and they all responded so well to the activities I had planned and the songs we sang.  By the end of the night they were even coming up next to me to sing solos for all of the other kids.  I left the church after class with a huge grin on my face.  I was so proud of those kids and of myself, too!  I'm not going to lie, it feels great to be called "Miss Nicki" again. :)

I just found out that our first concert will be on December 5th and I cannot wait to sit there and watch these amazing little people sing for God. 

I feel so blessed.

Melanie's Baby Shower

It seems like just yesterday I was telling y'all the exciting news about my bother and his wife Melanie finding out they were pregnant. 

It's been such a blessing having them here in Texas with us.  Getting to watch Melanie grow from a tiny baby bump to where she is now has been so much fun.  I'm not really the type of person who walks up to a pregnant woman and touches her belly, it's a little weird, but this situation is TOTALLY different.  This is my nephew!  So I warned Mel in the beginning that I'd be talking to her belly quite a bit.  I've actually gotten Matthew to believe that I'm his favorite aunt, AND he kicks in response.  How bout that?  :)

This past weekend we held a baby shower for Melanie at our home.  It was a blast and we had a great turn out.  I don't know what I would have done if Nikki hadn't been in town, she was such a great help with planning, prep and even clean up!  She really made the party a breeze. 

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day.  Melanie has about three weeks left until she is full term.  We're hoping for a 10-10-10 baby!  I cannot wait to meet my little nephew and actually get to hold him in my arms.  He is sure to be the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen.

The diaper cake I made for Melanie :)
Nikki and me
We played a game where you couldn't say the word "baby" or someone got to take your clothes pin, Nikki and Athena were tied and trying to get Melanie to say the word, it was hilarious!  

Athena: "Melanie, what are you about to have?"
Melanie: "A.... Bbbbbbboy."
Nikki: "What does your balloon say?"
Melanie: "That I'm having a child."

HAHHA, what a fun day!

Thursday, September 9


My entire life, since I can remember, I have been singing.  I was 5 years old on stage with our church preK choir in my pretty dress covered in frills. I sang at the top of my lungs, hands clenching the bottom of my dress as I danced along to the music.  I recall my parents telling me later in life that they were on the edge of their seats worried that my dress would suddenly fly up and I would give the entire congregation a show. 

I continued with choirs in Jr High and High school and attended church events where I sang with our ensemble and performed pieces on my own and with friends at Main Event.  Moving to Texas everything changed.  I was the new girl.  I showed up to the acapella choir as this fresh face my Junior year and could feel the cold stares from everyone in the room.  God on my side, I quickly made friends and was able to excel right away in competitions.  I went on to become an All State Choir member both my Jr and Senior years. 

After high school, however, things were different.  Music ended on a bad note for me after graduation and I kind of gave up for a while.  I had been told I wasn't good enough over and over and over... Finally I started to believe it.  So I stopped singing for people.  It wasn't until the end of last year that I gained the courage to approach the idea of singing at our church at the time, Trinity Chapel.  Mark and the rest of the band took me in right away and made me feel so welcome as I started to lead worship on Sundays.  I was finally finding my roots again and the Lord was showing me that I was good enough for Him. 

Early this year, after much prayer, we decided to change churches.  I was overcome with anxiety that I was going to lose what had taken me years to get back and instantly took those fears to the Lord.  Not two days later a friend of mine, Ashley (who just so happens to be the daughter of our new church's pastor) was encouraging me to pursue singing with the Gathering Band at Travis.  She took it upon herself to speak with the music minister and after just one week I found myself in front of his piano singing for him.  I've been a part of the Gathering Band at Travis Avenue ever since and feel so humbled and blessed to have been called to glorify the Lord with the talents He has given me. 

HOWEVER!  To cut to the chase... which I'm totally not doing because I just wrote four long paragraphs... I have still been afraid to show people MY heart for singing.  I've been playing the guitar now for a few months and trying to learn songs that move me, it wasn't until this week that God gave me the courage to start sharing myself with those around me.  I am nowhere near perfect, I have so, so much to learn... But I am tired of throwing excuses out there.  A dear friend of mine reminded me all the time how wonderfully made I am.  That combined with the knowledge that everything I do is to give glory and honor to my God.... I've decided to start sharing. 

If you're interested in listening you can check it out on my youtube page.  This is scary for me.  Very.  But ya know what?  It's not about me. Hopefully someone can be introduced to our Heavenly Father through my music and that would make it all worth it!  Thanks for listening to my rambling.  I am now finished. :)

Wednesday, September 8

Friends... They are amazing

This morning a dear friend shared a verse with me.  It really struck a chord in me so I thought I would pass it along to you as well.

1 "Come, let us return to the LORD.
       He has torn us to pieces
       but he will heal us;
       he has injured us
       but he will bind up our wounds.

 2 After two days he will revive us;
       on the third day he will restore us,
       that we may live in his presence.

 3 Let us acknowledge the LORD;
       let us press on to acknowledge him.
       As surely as the sun rises,
       he will appear;
       he will come to us like the winter rains,
       like the spring rains that water the earth."

 -Hosea 6:1-3

He will appear... He will come to us.  He will heal us.  He will bind up our wounds.  He will revive us, restore us!  Hallelujah!!! 

Sometimes I forget that the enemy's hold on me is nothing like the hold that my God has on me.  I am so thankful for a God who forgives, who loves, who cherishes, who heals and who wants nothing more than for me to give Him my life.  It's funny, I always found myself so afraid to let go and give up control over my life, scared of where it may lead me... Turns out life becomes a lot more fruitful and blessed when you let go and give the control to God.

God walks beside me, He lives inside of me.  And so I sing Hallelujah!

Tuesday, September 7


I took this picture of my little "family" this morning... thought it was cute and wanted to share. :)

Also, I'm finding it ironic that I am having anxiety about going to talk with someone about my anxiety.  This morning could prove to be a difficult one for me.  The rain is very fitting for my mood. 

Prayers are appreciated. 

Tune in next time for a (hopefully) much more cheerful post. ;)  Maybe the cuteness of the picture I posted makes up for my depressing mood. LOL. Maybe.

Wednesday, September 1

One Year Creeping Up Quickly

I cannot believe that our one year wedding anniversary is just around the corner.  It seems like just yesterday that he proposed to me under that beautiful pecan tree on his grandparent's land. 

In celebration of making it through the first year (everyone says it's the most difficult, and there have been moments where I've seen why!) we are booking a trip!  We will be flying (courtesy of my amazing parents) to Destin, Florida for 6 days in October and will celebrate our actual anniversary on the white sand beaches! 
 The beach of our resort
 The resort at night

Josh has been to Destin several times over the years with his family but this will be my first trip and I am so excited.  It will also be our first vacation together since our honeymoon! 

Other than that, not too much has changed in the Morgan household.  My sweet momma had surgery this past Friday to have her gall bladder removed and has recovered like a champ.  My sister in law is in her eighth month of pregnancy and I cannot wait for that little guy to get here.  I'm sure Melanie is ready, too, as I am constantly kissing and loving on her belly.  I told her she has free reign to do so and more to me when my time comes around.  :)  The other day I was kissing the belly and telling Matty hello and I loved him, that I was his favorite Aunt and he kicked!  Three times!!!  I was overjoyed.  I think it's because he loves me, I'm sure my brother would say he was just kicking to shut me up so he could go back to sleep.  Either way, he'll be here soon and we are just praying for a safe rest of the pregnancy for mom and baby.  Prayers are always appreciated!

Mel and I went shopping for some maternity clothes and had some fun in the dressing room...

Until next time... Stay blessed and thank you SOOOOO much for keeping up with our crazy lives. :)