Wednesday, July 18

Taking Matters Into My Own Hands

Back in March Josh and I purchased some letters for Callie's nursery from a shop on ETSY.  We were so excited to get them in the mail and finalize her nursery before she arrived.  6 weeks after placing and paying for our order we still had not received them... I emailed the dealer and received a message back saying her mother had fallen ill and she would have them in the mail the next week.  After another week passed I emailed again... This time she had "sent them priority."  When yet another week passed I emailed her again and received the response, "I sent them and they were returned to me saying there was no such address."  I responded with my address once again and she said they would be in the mail immediately.  Needless to say it is now 4 months later, we have not received our order and the shop is now closed.  I've done all I can on my end and unfortunately was robbed of $70 dollars that we now will never get back.

Instead of pouting and throwing a fit I decided to take matters into my own hands.  After a quick trip to hobby lobby where I found canvas on sale (woohoo!) I got started on my own little project.  Here it is!  I think we like it even more than the original ones we ordered.

{Take your plain canvas.. these were on sale: 2 for $3.99}
{Tape off a chevron pattern.  See tutorial here}
{Then with acrylic paint and a sponge brush apply your color on the canvas}
{This was by far the most tedious part... Probably took around 1 1/2 hours}
{After they're painted I let them dry and then removed the tape}
{Plain ol' letters from Hobby Lobby}
{Add a little pink paint (same color as the birds on her mural) and hot glue onto canvas}
{Then hang!}
{I am SOOOO happy with how it turned out!!! Who needs ETSY?!}

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