Wednesday, March 27

Videos Galore

We take so many videos of the Cal-Girl but never upload them anywhere.  So instead of letting them accumulate cobwebs on my phone, I thought this would be a great place to let them live.  I hope you enjoy them just as much as we do... Believe me, Callie's favorite thing to do is watch herself on video.  She's a ham and totally into herself. Hahahah.

1. "Walking" with Mommy
2. Saying "Hey Kitty!"
3. Saying "Mama"
4. Saying "Gigi"

Saying "Gigi"

Callie 10 Months

Where has this last month gone?!  Seriously!  Callie is less than two months shy of a year old and I am SO not ready to be a momma to a toddler.  She is standing, walking with assistance, babbling like a girl after my own heart and oh-so inquisitive.  Homegirl is weighing in at a whopping 16lbs 3.5 oz (20th%) and 28 inches long (25th%). 

She adores books, balls, her pink car, puzzles, blankie, baths, paci, baby, and getting into absolutely everything. 

She now has a vocabulary of 7 words; Daddy (Dada), Mama, Kitty, hi, Gigi (Marsha), Nana (Jan), and Lala (Athena)!  If you include that she is using sign language to sign "milk" that would be 8 words!! I can't believe how much she's grown up.  Even her pictures make her look like a little girl! 

She still has only two teeth but with her demeanor lately I am convinced there are more on the way.  She's still nursing (air-fiving myself because, let's face it, making it to 10 months is quite a feat!) and is eating two solid (and when I say solid I mean pureed) meals a day. 

My very favorite thing in the whole wide world that she does is sing.  If I'm singing or talking in a sweet high voice she will mimic it and my heart melts to mush every single time.  Here are a few of her 10 month pictures. She gets increasingly more difficult to photograph every month, little toot!

 I'm thinkin' she could get away with just about anything with those eyes... just don't tell her I said so.

 I adore this picture because it displays Callie to a T... She's our little inspector!

Birthday party plans are in full swing (even though I'm in denial) and I am really looking forward to making it a special day for her, even if she won't have any recollection later! To say we adore her is an absolute understatement... She is our life and we wouldn't have it any other way.  Love you little Callie Bird!!! 

Saturday, March 16

Spring Break Loveliness

This past week has been blissfully wonderful.  Yes, extremely busy, but NO WORK!!!!!!  I was blessed to spend the entire week with my little princess and boy did we pack a lot in.

We started things off with friends and games on Sunday.  Kristi, Angie and her husband Josh all came in from Dallas/Lewisville and spent the day with us.  We had some incredible Mexican food, played Farkle and enjoyed each others company to the fullest.  Callie is so lucky to have such wonderful "aunts" and "uncles" who love, adore and spoil her.

There were so many things that I wanted to accomplish over the break, but also wanted to match it with a healthy balance of complete and total laziness.  Unfortunately Callie decided that she was over nap time and would take one 20-30 minute nap a day.  Not so much time for Mommy to get things done. :P

Monday we ventured out and had lunch with Josh and got some grocery/craft shopping done.  Tuesday was spent at the sewing machine trying out some new craft ideas.  I made Cal-Pal's St. Patty's day outfit, and started on some ADORABLE little baby boy suspenders for a friend.  I've had some wonderful feedback about opening an Etsy shop this summer and have officially decided to go for it!  I'll be selling infant/toddler/little girl headbands, paci clips, suspenders, leg warmers and a few other odds and ends for little ones, but more on that later!  We also had a picnic in the backyard to enjoy the beautiful weather. 

Wednesday we took a trip to the Fort Worth Museum to see the Titanic exhibit with some friends from church.  Callie REFUSED to nap once again and just chilled in our ergo baby carrier.  I really enjoyed the exhibit.  Walking through the recreated hallways and seeing actual pieces of the ship, clothing, and personal artifacts was eerie and majestic all at the same time.  There were a few moments where I felt like I was on the set of the movie Titanic and that was pretty awesome.  I also got to see my sister and niece for a little bit which we really enjoyed.

Thursday I finally got around to some cleaning and we had my family over for dinner that night.  My mom and sister were in New York for Athena's high school trip and this dinner was our way to welcome them back and enjoy every second with family.  Any time I get to see my brother, sisters and sweet little nephews is a great time.

Friday was by far my most favorite day!  Josh took the day off of work and we took Callie to the zoo for the first time.  We went with some friends from church and spent the entire morning and early afternoon exploring the zoo.  We've always said that Callie-Bug's favorite animal is a giraffe but when we got to the glass where the white tiger was pacing back and forth, we discovered differently.  Recently she discovered how to say "kitty" and we kept telling her that we were going to see a big kitty.  As Josh walked her to the glass her hand extended out to try and pet the "kitty" and she would not take her little brown eyes off of him.  It was incredible to see her connect and really notice something.  As she gets older and more interactive she becomes so much more fun!  We topped the afternoon off with lunch at the Love Shack (hellllooo dirty love burger!!!) and relaxing at home.  That night we met up with friends for dinner to celebrate Kellie's birthday and catch up.  It's amazing how much less you see your friends when babies enter the mix. :)

Here are some pictures from our lives this week... Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them! :)  

 He was eying me down...

Exploring her toy box
 She LOVES her rocking giraffe
 Rockin' away
 Chewin on Sofie with Baby in hand
 Wearing Daddy's first pair of cowboy boots!
 Pulling Grandma's hair is so much fun!
 Caught red handed... Little sneak figured out the wipes.
 Couldn't help myself.. Then she woke up from the flash (SO WORTH IT)

 Snuggles with "Aunt" Angie

 She'll be walking soon thanks to "Aunt" Kristi
 Callie loves the jewelry!
 Dinner picnic

 I hope she always looks at her daddy like this.  (Headband made by mommy)
 One of my new all time favorite pictures of Callie!!!
 Those eyes get me every time.
 Fun bath time shots

 Bubble face!

 Look at those lashes!!!

Monday, March 11

More Callie Pictures

Josh was out of town last week for two nights, so Callie and I had a lot of time to just hang out and bond.  One evening, while out getting the mail, we stopped in the yard for an impromptu photo shoot.  Callie Bird discovered the weeds flowers in our front yard and had a wonderful time eating exploring them.  She continues to be the brightest spot in our lives and I am ECSTATIC to be home on spring break with my little girl!

Love those little toes!
 Just chillin in the front yard!
 I wonder what this pretty purple thing tastes like?
Happy girl!!