Tuesday, September 10

The Return of School

Clearly my goal of writing more over the summer was not obtained...  I am now an entire month back into the swing of things at work and it continues to blow my mind how quickly time flies.  I'd love to say that I am going to do a better job of writing things down, but it would be such a disappointment if I let myself down :).  Plus, let's be realistic here... It probably wont happen.

This summer was one of the best I have ever had.  Spending every single day with my mini me was truly a gift that I will always treasure.  Callie grew so much over the summer.  She walks, talks, steals hearts left and right, and has become this incredible little toddler full of energy, spunk and love for other people.  Lately she's been down in the dumps with croup and a sinus infection (such a great combination) but it looks like we should be on the uphill slope now, thank God!  She's loving school (for the most part) and getting to be with her BFF, Kinsley every day.  I swear those two girls are going to take the world by force someday.  Right now my absolute favorite things that Callie has started doing are saying thank you "daint-ooo,' singing "Jesus" (Jesus loves me) with us, giving kisses and when she shows us where her eyes, nose, mouth and hair are.  She always sticks her finger in her nose and pokes her eye... It's adorable. 

Josh and I spent an ENTIRE week away for a much needed vacation right before school started back up.  He whisked me away to Destin, FL where we spent everyday laying on the beach without a worry in the world.  It was epic.  Don't worry, I limited my crying (over missing Callie) to once a day. :)  We had a really relaxing time together and brought home some pretty sweet tans.  Callie got to spend time with her Nana (Koch) and Gigi/Big Daddy (Morgan) while we were away.  Needless to say she was spoiled rotten :). 

School has been really great so far.  Challenging, yes.  But I feel like my head is on so much tighter this year, I feel prepared, rested and even a little bit excited!  My kiddos are pretty great, too and I thank the Lord for that.  I love teaching Kindergarten - it's truly where my heart is. 

Here are some pictures to catch you up on our crazy busy lives! 

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