Tuesday, April 22

Callie's 2nd Birthday - Party Prep!

I cannot believe that our baby girl is about to turn TWO!!!  Where on Earth has the time gone?!  I knew that things would get a little busy around here after Kellan was born so I started party planning while I was on bed rest.  For some reason I've never been a huge fan of "themed" birthday parties.  Part of me found them hokey, but I always loved going to them.  Now that I have a toddler who is absolutely obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, all of that has changed.  Funny how those little rug-rats can change ya so much!  

I knew that her party this year had to have something to do with Mickey, but I didn't know how.  We decided to narrow it down to one character to focus on, and of course had to go with her favorite, "Mimmie" as she calls her.  My goal was to go with different shades of pink and polka dots along with some fun Minnie flair here and there.  It's been really fun browsing Pinterest trying to find ideas and the party has now grown past what I thought we'd do... and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)  We've invited close friends and family to celebrate in our little backyard cookout, just a couple of hours playing in the yard with good people and good food!  Let's hope the weather holds out for us! 

Of course, I had to make her another stats chalkboard this year... it's sort of her thing and I kinda love it!  All it's missing right now is her weight, our home scale is broken and she doesn't have an updated one from the pedi yet. 

Our sweet friend, Joanna, who also takes care of Callie when I'm working, is an incredible baker and we've asked her to cover the sweets for her party.  Typically I try to do everything myself, but being a busy mom of two I knew that it would be pushing it to try and tackle this, too!  These are my inspirations for the birthday cupcakes, aren't they ADORABLE?!  
Here are a couple other inspirations for the party that I'll be tackling over the next couple of weeks.  I'm so excited for some projects to put my time and energy into!  Crafting is my absolute favorite hobby, especially when it's for someone I love so dearly. :) 
The other day I was trying to come up with some activities for the kids at the party and came across this incredible Mickey Mouse Park bounce house...  Knowing it would be way too much, I checked it out anyway.  Turns out the price wasn't TOO bad and since we weren't getting her a huge gift this year we decided to just go for it!  This bounce "house" is specifically designed for toddlers and even has a slide "weeeee" inside!  I can't wait to see Callie's face when she walks into the backyard and sees her favorite peeps in the yard... 

The last little thing I plan on having at her party is a cute photo booth.  I'm making these adorable Mickey Mouse Clubhouse character props for guests to use and we will have a mini printer hooked up outside for instant photo keepsakes!  I can just see it now, all of the adults tapping into their inner child as they pretend to be a Mickey character in silly little pictures...
We now only have 3 weekends until her big day!  Looks like I'll be a very busy bee... Stay tuned for pictures of the actual party, coming soon!  :)

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  1. Loved these decoration on his 2nd birthday party. You did hearth throbbing arrangements my friend. Hats off to you for this work! Looking for a funky theme for my son’s 4thbirthday along with affordable venues in NYC to host the party.

  2. Wow nice Decoration..In Last Month in my son birthday i appointed a best bounce house rental broward in florida.Really its Decoration was outstanding..!!!!
