Tuesday, July 1

Summer Meal Planning with Pinterest

It's been an incredibly busy Summer so far; full of family, friends and lots of FUN!  Lately, Josh and I have developed an awesome new way of planning our weekly meals and it has really helped save my sanity!  

Every Sunday we sit down together and pull up my Pinterest board with meals we want to try (most of them we've tried and LOVED and just keep there for reference).   As we finish discussing the schedule for the week ahead, we find the meals we're craving and put them on a day.  Next we pull the ingredients needed for each meal (plus the house staples) and create a shopping list with them.  This has helped save us some money because we are buying for specific meals, no more, no less.  It has made meal planning a breeze and completely eliminates the "what do you want for dinner tonight?" convo that every married couple dreads.  

Here are some links to our most favorite meals as of late!

I've also had quite the sweet tooth lately... but losing these last 5 lbs is something I'm bound and determined to do, so what is a gal to do?   I pull recipes off of my dessert board and bake, bake, bake. Here's the kicker though; 95% of each batch I send to work with Josh.  I get to try out some of those recipes I've been drooling over for the past year without getting stuck with the massive amount of calories I'd inhale if they stayed lying around the house all week.  This week I sent off a festive Fourth of July candy bark that was SCRUMPTIOUS.  I posted a pic to my instagram page (@NickiLynne15) and had several requests for the recipe, so here it is! 

Before I go I also wanted to share these absolutely adorable creations I've been working on this week!  I've been dying to order some leather moccasins for Kellan but just can't seem to justify spending the big bucks for them when I know his little chunk feet will soon be too big.  SO, what is a crafty mom to do?  Figure out an alternative!  I found a pattern for some baby booties and LOVE how they turned out.  I think they're a GREAT alternative to the moccs... for now! These are available for purchase on my Facebook Shop page if you're interested!

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