Saturday, July 14

Callie - 2 Months

Holy cow!  It has been two months since our lives were forever changed by Callie's arrival.  It's almost difficult to remember a time when she wasn't around.  This past month was full of wonderful memories being made and watching our sweet little thang grow like a weed.  Here are some pictures from her two month photoshoot and some comparison shots!

Callie has gained tons of weight and is just over 9 lbs!  Hard to imagine that she's almost doubled in size since being born.  She has gotten more interactive and has recently started to smile at us.  This month she discovered her voice and it has been so much fun listening to her coo's and watching her reaction as her eyes grow wide and she smiles like she's proud of the sound she just produced.  She is still an absolute angel.  We joke that she's spoiling us for all future Morgan babies. 

Some of her favorite things are:
  • Taking naps in her swing
  • Making crazy monster noises
  • Smiling at mommy and daddy
  • Cuddles 
  • Listening to mommy sing "You Are My Sunshine"
  • Her musical seahorse
  • MILK
  • Being the gassiest baby alive (lots of poots and burps!)
  • Peeing on mommy and daddy
  • Tummy time
  • Spending time with Grandma, Gigi, Big Popi and Aunts/Uncles
  • Swimming 
  • Bath time
 Callie is still wearing newborn clothes but has officially grown out of her preemie sizes.  She is still wearing newborn diapers but the Pampers newborns are getting a little snug.  She loves wearing headbands and looks utterly adorable in pink.  She's on the same schedule that she's been on since the beginning... Nursing exclusively every 3-4 hours.  Baby girl has yet to sleep through the night but has blessed us ONCE by sleeping for 5 hours!  We are hoping that the full night's sleep is just around the corner.  

Our lives truly have been turned upside-down and though there are times I want to cry from exhaustion all it takes is one look in her beautiful hazel eyes and it all goes away.  She is truly our blessing from God and we love her more each and every day!   Here are a few pictures of Callie doing some of her favorite things over the past month.

Father's Day - The day she was dedicated to the church
4 Generations
  Spending time with cousins Matty and Andrew
First time in the pool!
Meeting "Aunt" Ashley
Bath time with Mommy
Tummy Time
Her first Fourth of July
She loves being outside!

There are hundreds more pictures but this will do for now!  Lots of exciting things have been happening lately so stay tuned for more updates.  As always thanks for keeping up with us!!

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