Monday, December 28

Know, Follow, Share in 2016

This is one of my favorite times of the year.  We've just finished celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ and all around us people are in good spirits.  Everyone is in a giving mood, willing to help others and live life with a servant's heart. We all take time to reflect on the past year and make goals for a new one.  It truly is a beautiful time!
Every year I try to sit down and think, what would I have done differently if I could do this year over again?  This is typically how I come up with my New Year's resolutions.  This year, as I sit down to write (which I haven't done well at ALL this year... hello busy #momlife) I am asking myself a different question.  How can I be more like Christ? 

Sure, I have goals!  Who doesn't?  I'd love to spend more time with my family and less time working.  Take more time to blog and build relationships with those I love.  It would be HUGE to take my It Works business to the next level and promote to Diamond... But overall, there is a goal that is bigger than all of those things.  A goal to know, follow and share Jesus Christ.  

Looking back on 2015 I am filled with joy.  We spent the entire year as a family of 4 growing and learning from one another.  I made a leap of faith and joined a health and wellness company to help supplement my income as well as help others in their lifestyle and fitness journeys.  We vacationed, made lasting memories and I grew closer to Christ.  It is so humbling to look back and see all of the ways the Lord blessed us this year.  Kellan's hearing was restored to him right after his first birthday and we give all the glory to God for that miracle!  Both of our children are healthy and strong, flourishing and learning new things each day.  Josh was blessed to keep his job in the oil and gas industry despite the rough times and lay offs that were occurring.  Little things add up and the big picture becomes clear.  We are so loved and God is faithful in his promises.  



As we walk into this new year, full of opportunities and possibilities, I would challenge you to ask yourself the same questions.  How can I know Christ more, follow His word and share Jesus with others?  Tomorrow is not a given - this is something I've come to know all too well over the years.  When you are standing before God and facing the only judgement that will ever matter - will you KNOW him?  Will you gaze upon his face with a smile and a pure heart knowing that his arms will open wide to welcome you into eternity, or will you stand petrified of what comes next?  If you have questions about what it looks like to know, follow and share Jesus please ask!  His joy compares to nothing else in this world, and I want nothing more than for you to know it, too. 

I pray you all have a very blessed, very Happy New Year! 
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