I can't believe how long it has been since my last post! Life has been so full we're simply bursting at the seems. Here's a few updates. :)
Teaching has completely transformed my life. Being a substitute definitely has its ups and downs. A huge perk of subbing is that I got to step foot in several different teacher's classrooms, was exposed to several grades/ages and learned a TON. The hardest part was definitely the fact that I wasn't able to form the relationships with staff and students that I had so desperately been wanting. It's difficult to be wearing someone else's shoes day in and day out in their room with their kids. A HUGE blessing came about two weeks ago. I was presented the opportunity to interview for a fourth grade position in a classroom that had recently lost their teacher. I was the substitute for this class prior to the interview and just continued to pray that God would lead me in the direction He desired. After months of prayers, four interviews in two different districts and what seemed like hundreds of classrooms the Lord blessed me with the full time teaching job!! My first day was Monday... It has been a whirlwind of a school year and I can only imagine what the next several months will be like. Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!
Here are a few pictures from our crazy, busy lives these past two months. :)
Angie's birthday celebration. Just missing Kristi!
Mom's house went on the market... Bittersweet.
Josh's 28th birthday, before Texas de Brazil. Yumm!
Matty's 1st Birthday! The cutest baby ever!!
Halloween with the sweetest little bear
And a little fun surprise....
That's right! We are having a BABY!!!!!!!!
We've had so much fun telling friends and family the big news. One afternoon after school Josh and I went to visit his parents. We had purchased a little frame with the word "Baby"on it and printed the following poem to be framed inside:
I do not have a face to see,
Or put inside a frame.
I do not have soft cheeks to kiss,
I don't yet have a name.
You can't yet hold my tiny hands,
Nor whisper in my ear.
It's still too soon to sing a song,
Or cuddle me so near.
But all will change come June,
That's when the say I'm due.
I'm your new grandson or granddaughter,
I can't wait till I meet you.
All I ask between now and then,
Is your patience while I grow.
I promise I'll be worth the wait,
Because of all the love we'll know.
So what I have to give you now,
is a wish to you from me.
I cannot wait to be a part
Of this wonderful family.
Steve and Marsha are thrilled to be grandparents! This will be their first grandchild!
Telling my family was really fun. As most of you know we are big Settlers of Catan players. With both sets of grandparents in for Matty's birthday party we took advantage of their presence and played a game. During the game I played a "development card" that we had made prior to their arrival and yelled out, "I win!" Athena refused to acknowledge the win because she knew I only had four points (you need 10 to win) but I insisted she look closely at the card. She read it aloud, "We're having a baby!" then looked over at my mom who's jaw had dropped to the ground. Mom mustered out the word, "REALLY?!" several times as I nodded my head and held back tears of joy.

We've really had so much fun breaking the news to people and are elated that we can finally share it with everyone. We are a little over 8 weeks and our little peanut is due sometime around June 12, 2012. Just in time for my first summer vacation as a teacher! We had our first sonogram on Tuesday October 25th and got to see our little bean's heartbeat. It was so incredible and emotional. I just laid there on the table, eyes locked on the monitor as they filled up with tears of excitement.

I have been utterly exhausted (which is why the updates are so far and few between) and pretty sick. Luckily I'm able to keep all of my food down but the nausea doesn't seem to want to lay off. Really looking forward to the second trimester. :) We've been taking weekly pictures to document our sweet peanut's growth, at the end of my pregnancy it will be fun to put them together and see how much my belly grew. I hope you'll check back for some more frequent updates! We are so excited and happy to be able to share this with all of you. Here's to a healthy and happy pregnancy! :)
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
7 Weeks
8 Weeks