Having two children is, without a doubt, a HUGE blessing from the Lord. I absolutely adore Callie and Kellan and wouldn't trade being their mommy for the world. There have been some set backs, however, since having them... My body just isn't what it used to be.
Don't get me wrong, I love the way I look and my feelings of self worth don't come from a number on a scale or the fit of my pants, but lets face it, you feel a whole lot better when you don't have to go through 10 outfit changes every morning because things just aren't fitting right. Any one else with me there?
With my schedule as a full time first grade teacher, wife, mother, worship leader, daughter, sister, friend, crafter, etc... I find little to no time to hit the gym, and when I do get the time I simply don't have the energy. This is where my new leap of faith comes into play.
I recently joined It Works! A health and wellness company loaded with all natural products geared to make you feel more fit, healthy, energized and beautiful. I am THAT person who has always said, "I'll NEVER be THAT person...." Ugh, a skeptic at heart, it's hard for me to take this leap of faith. I'm not a fad dieter or a workout junkie. I turn down offers for energy products and anything else that may wind up in my inbox all of the time. But something about this company stood out to me.
I've recently been praying for guidance. I love my job, I love my family, I love my church home and friends, but something has been missing. I just don't feel well. Sluggish days are drowned in coffee breaks and the bags under my eyes are a testament to how drained I've become. As a Christian I grew up hearing that my body is a temple. And I get it. But I've never really treated it as such. Time, money, convenience... they all get in the way. I think God has stepped in and given me that direction that I've been searching for.
It Works is best known for the skinny wrap, (that crazy wrap thing that can tighten/tone/firm any part of your body in just 45 mintues). Seen it? Skeptical? Me too... But after seeing these testimonies and before/after pictures from people I actually know (not photoshopped or exaggerated), it got me thinking. If these products could help me to feel more energized and better about my appearance, why not try? After looking into other products I was blown away at what It Works has to offer. All natural supplements to assist in fruits/vegetable intake, energy, immune system support... Beauty products that tighten skin, heal eczema, reduce cellulite and varicose veins. This doesn't even begin to cover all of the wonderful products! So I took a deep breath, and dove in head first.
This week I have 4 wraps heading my way. If you're interested, skeptical, curious or just want to know more about the company, leave me a comment or send me a message! I'd love to help you. This is a journey for me, and it would be incredible to walk it with you beside me! I also appreciate your prayers and encouragement as this isn't an easy thing for me to take on. But I have faith that God is up to something bigger than I could ever imagine... And I'm ready.