Growing up I was always eager to be older. When I'm this age I can do this, when I'm that age I'll be able to do this... You know how it goes. Now that I am a mommy I just want time to slow down a little bit. As Summer came around this year I was so excited to finally have time to blog and slow down a little bit. Unfortunately, in my slowing down, I seemed to get even busier. Callie started dance, we made trips to the zoo and the library, vacationed; I lost myself in time.
It's mind boggling how many hours are spent on senseless/pointless activities. I feel kind of bad for neglecting this blog so much, as it's so therapeutic to me and I love being able to look back and read about things I've already forgotten about. The kids are getting so big and everyday they look and act just a little bit older. My babies aren't babies anymore!
Over the Summer we did so many new things! Callie started a tap/ballet class and she has fallen in love with it. I love watching her shake her little booty and try her best to follow along with her dance teacher and friends. Her smile is so radiant and she genuinely loves every person she meets. So much so that we've had to have conversations a lot lately that go something like this, "Callie, is so-in-so in our family?" No? "Well, if they aren't in our family then you can't be kissing them." She kisses EVERYONE and it's been an interesting conversation to have! Here's a picture of our little ballerina.

We also traveled to Pittsburgh, PA for a family reunion. It was so awesome to see our family, but VERY exhausting traveling on the plane with both kids and all 4 of us sharing a room for a week. Very little sleep, and a lot of recovering once we were home. SO worth it though. My cousin Jessica was a doll and took some family photos for us while we were there. She is immensely talented, you can see more of her work on her website;
Here are few more pictures from our trip to PA!
Had to go to a baseball game! |
My beautiful cousin, Kiera |
Taking a break at the amazing animal park we visited |
Callie feeding a giraffe! |
My mom's side of the family! What a great time!!! |
When we returned from PA there were two weeks filled with trips to the zoo, library dates and lots of running around town with the kids. It was so much fun to focus on JUST being a mommy. I loved every minute of it.
Our last big event of the Summer was heading to Destin, FL for a family vacation. My mom is an enormous blessing in our lives and we were so fortunate to tag along with her for a week! We swam, tanned and ate our weight in delicious foods! Callie's favorite things were catching crabs and building sand castles. Kellan was content to stay out of the sand and wasn't a huge fan of the beach... but by the end of the week he finally caved and joined us for some digging fun.
Josh and I started making sand sculptures! |
Overall, it was a jam packed, wonderful, relaxing and fun summer for the Morgans. I'm sure there is so much more that I am forgetting, but I'm on picture/post overload, so I am sure you are as well! Hopefully I'll be back soon to update on all of the other current things in our lives, but school just started this past week and I've got a lot of recovering to do. :) Maybe I'll treat myself to a pedicure this afternoon...