Thursday, May 29

Kellan 2 Months

This is a little late... But better late than never, right? :)
Sweet boy, you have changed our lives in a way I never could have expected!  Two months have flown by right before our eyes and it's almost unbelievable how much you've grown.  God has truly blessed us with so many answered prayers and we couldn't be more thankful.  

Weight: 9 lbs 8 oz I think all of your weight gain was in your cheeks, little man!
Height: 20.5 inches
Head circumference: 36.5 cm
Percentile: 1st in all 3 categories 
Eating schedule:  This month you slowed down on your feedings and we've been struggling with some pretty severe reflux.  You eat every 3 hours (sometimes less than that) for 10-15 minutes.  The biggest challenge has been getting you to keep your milk in your tummy and not all over Mommy and the couch! 
Sleep:  You still sleep most of the day, but are starting to have some really alert moments, even a few smiles!  Night time is no fun yet, you wake up twice to eat and sometimes getting you back to sleep is quite a chore!
Favorite things: Your smiles absolutely melt my heart!  I absolutely adore your baby blue eyes and snuggles.  You love hearing mommy's voice and try to find it no matter who's holding you.  So far you're different from sister, she loved the swing and bath time and you don't really care for either.  You're a serious little dude and snore when you're trying to fall asleep or are waking up. :)
Milestones: You are growing like a champ!  You also had your first medical issue when your tear duct got clogged giving you pink eye.  Poor baby, but it went away really quickly and didn't seem to bother you too much!
Clothing/Diaper size: Newborn and 0-3 months.  Size 1 diapers.

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