Sunday, January 22

19 Weeks

What a week!!!  So many changes took place over the past week.  Monday was a holiday for school so I enjoyed the day off at home relaxing. Tuesday was a teacher work day which was MUCH needed and Wednesday was the day we'd been waiting for all of these weeks.

Wednesday, my 26th birthday, we went in for our 19 week anatomy sonogram and after some hopping up and down and jiggling of my belly, Baby M cooperated and we got to see what we were having.  The sonographer sat staring at the screen for what seemed like ten minutes then finally pointed and said these six little words that changed my world forever... "You see those three little dots?"  I knew exactly what that meant, we were having a little baby GIRL!!!!  Now, I would've been very happy regardless of the outcome, but that girly side of me deep down was secretly hoping for a girl.  The instant she said those words tears were streaming down my face.

{Callie Marie}

We had to keep a secret for the next two days in order to keep the big news a surprise for our gender reveal / my birthday party. :)  We had friends and family over for dessert and had fun teasing everyone with our little secret.  Guests got to sign their guess on a scrapbook page for Callie's baby book and then pick a mustache or lips to use in pictures!  When everyone had finally arrived we handed gifts to our parents.  They opened them together and a big pink balloon popped out!  The reactions were priceless...




{The big reveal!}

how far along? 19 weeks
how are you measuring? She's measuring right on schedule
size of baby? Around 6 inches - the size of a mango 
heartbeat? 137 bpm
total weight gain/loss? 8 lbs
stretch marks? Not yet, hoping never!
sleep? Can't seem to get enough.
best moment this week? Finding out that we're having a baby girl.  I felt her kick on the outside for the first time AND Josh felt her kick for the first time.  What a week!
movement? Yes
food cravings? CARBS
what i'm looking forward to: Continuing to decorate her nursery.
how are you feeling? Feeling pretty good this week.  VERY exhausted even after full nights of rest.  She is sitting very low so I'm having a lot of pelvic pain but she is SO worth it. :)

Monday, January 16

Week 18

This past week was quite uneventful.  I finished up the first semester of teaching with some extra long work hours and attempting to catch up on sleep and time with family.  Here's an updated pregnancy questionnaire. :)

how far along? 18 weeks
how are you measuring? Last we checked the baby was measuring a week ahead
size of baby? Around 5.6 inches - the size of a sweet potato 
heartbeat? The last time we checked it was 144bmp
total weight gain/loss? Still around 6 lbs
stretch marks? Not yet, hoping never!
sleep? Can't seem to get enough.
best moment this week? Still loving all of the movements from the baby.
movement? Yes
food cravings? Sweet and salty this week.
gender predictions? Still think it's a boy... We'll find out 1.18!
what i miss: My body...
what i'm looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a he or a she.
how are you feeling? still having a lot of dizziness, I was diagnosed with pregnancy anemia this past week.  Add to that the intense pain in my pelvic bone {apparently due to my hips spreading out} ahhh the joys of pregnancy! 

Sunday, January 8

17 Weeks

This past week flew by!  Monday was my first day back to school after Christmas break.  On Tuesday my lightheadedness and dizzy spells got the best of me when I nearly passed out during a lesson.  Doctor's orders sent me home to rest.  On Wednesday I drove up to the hospital for some blood work, they're testing for anemia at this point in time.  This sweet little bundle of joy sure has brought a lot of interesting difficulties!  Luckily it will all be worth it in the  end.  

Only 10 more days until we find out what we're having!  

I borrowed this pregnancy update from a friend... It's a fun way to keep y'all updated without having to bore you with all of my blabbing. :) 

how far along? 17 weeks 
how are you measuring? Last we checked the baby was measuring a week ahead
size of baby? around 5.1 inches or the size of an onion
heartbeat? The last time we checked it was 144bmp
total weight gain/loss? So far I have gained 6 pounds.
stretch marks? No
sleep? I LOVE being pregnant because I am tired all of the time which  makes sleep that much easier {minus the midnight potty trips}
best moment this week? Feeling Baby M moving around!
movement? Yes!!!  I was holding a friend's baby one evening and my little one kicked it! 
food cravings? No cravings at all.
gender predictions? Currently I am convinced that we're having a boy.
what i miss: Red WINE!
what i'm looking forward to: Getting through this week so we can finally know if we're having a boy or a girl!
how are you feeling? Not terrible, but the headaches and lightheadedness have been pretty brutal.

Monday, January 2

16 Weeks

What a busy, wonderful week!  This week started on Christmas day.  We spent the morning opening gifts with the Morgans.  We both were blessed with some incredible gifts this year, but hands down the best gift we received was that of sweet Baby M.  After spending time with his side of the family we came home to exchange gifts to each other and make breakfast.  Around noon my family showed up!  We had quite the full house with Mom, Mel (and baby andrew baking away), Matty, Athena, Grandma and Grandpa Chandler, Gary, Nathan and his girlfriend!  It was wonderful spending the day with those we love most and a great kick off to our 16th week of pregnancy.

Since I was still stuck in bed (with my back) for most of the week I decided to start working on some crafts.  I guess you could say that I am nesting. :)  I successfully created two sweet lovebirds {previous posts} and got some antique shopping done.

After several phone calls to my doctor we decided to try and see a chiropractor for my back.  Bed rest and pain meds were only masking the issue and I needed a solution before going back to school this week.  This chiropractor has saved my life!  After only three visits I am walking and experiencing little to no pain!  Praise the Lord.  Now if only his services were free. ;)

We finished off the week by brining in the new year!  Over the weekend we traveled to the Hawkins' ranch where we did some hunting, relaxing and spent time with close friends.  I'm so excited to finally be able to say our baby will be here this year!

Just for fun here are a few pregnancy questions I get asked often with answers. :)

*When is your due date?  As of our most recent measurement, June 5, 2012

*What week are you in? Just finished week 16, into week 17 now.

*What was your weight pre-pregnancy? 118

*What is your current weight? 124 (gaining weight is one of the hardest parts of pregnancy for me!)

*Have you had an ultrasound? Yes, two!  It's so exciting 

*Do you know the gender of your baby? Not yet but we will in 16 days.

*Do you have a name picked out? Yes we have names for both boy and girl but are keeping them secret (at least from the internet) until we know what we are having. 

*Is the child being named after someone?  Middle names are family names or variations of family names

*Who is going to be with you during delivery?  As of right now Josh and my mom.

*Natural or medicared childbirth?  Are you kidding, definitely MEDICATED!  

*How are you feeling right about now?  Excited, the baby has been moving quite a bit today.

*What was the first thing you bought for baby? A sock monkey deer. :)  

*Do you feel you are ready to have a baby? Definitely... I think.

*Are you excited or scared about delivery?  Super nervous.  Excited once the baby is out!

*Any food cravings? No, more like food aversions.  I used to love meat, now I don't care for it.

*Anything you loved before that you absolutely cannot eat anymore? Meat!

* Anything else you'd like to share or vent about?  I've been having really bad dizzy spells and low blood pressure... Something to look into at our next appointment.